Saturday, March 29, 2014

The Secret That Nobody Knows! (R)

Matthew a 30 year old writer who has been dating Janet a 28 year waitress/actress. Well the two has just had their first child Melvin and Matthew decided to propose to Janet one day when he came home on his lunch break. Mathew stated while he was on his knees proposing to Janet that Janet said that she had something very important to tell him that may change his mind but she have to tell him. Well Matthew said Janet than covered her mouth with both hands as tears ran down her eyes and she cried out four chilling words, "I killed my father!." Matthew said his heart drop to the bottom of his stomach after hearing the woman he love with all his heart and soul said she killed her own father. Mathew than gathered himself together and asked her," You're joking, right?" Janet yelled, ," Hell nah! No I'm not joking! I killed that bastards and if he was alive right now I'll kill him again."Matthew stated Janet facial expression change to angry adolescent face that he never seen from her before. Mathew than told Janet that her father died from choking from a seizure and Janet said, "Hell nah, he died from choking of rat poison." Janet than said her father really wasn't her father and he kidnap her and her sister from their mother when she was 3 and her sister was 4 and one day her sister Cheryl was crying for her mother and her father drunkenly yelled for her to shut the fuck and then he then came in their room and snatch her sister out of the bed and her sister screamed and yelled for Janet to save her but Janet was afraid. Her father came back an hour later and said her sister Cheryl drowned to death by accident. Janet said she cried for months but her soul cried for year and she knew her father killed her sister. For years she lived with the memory of her sister drowning and her father hands holding her sister in the tub of water as her sister Cheryl kicked and screamed for Janet to save her. Than one day when she turned 17 Janet planned it all out and her father came home drunk and he yelled at Janet to bring him some ice creamed and she patiently walked the ice cream to her father and as he ate the ice cream Janet stood in front of him, and she stared at him as she watched him eat, she stared at him as he choked, as he gasp for air and he reached out for Janet to save him and Janet said she stepped back and held up a picture of her sister Cheryl to her father. Her father then looked at Janet with a look of karma and payback and died slowly while tears fell from his eyes and Janet gave him a evil smile while holding her sister picture as her father died. The sheriff came and she told the sheriff the story and the sheriff cried and he decided to ruled her father death as an accidental death and reported that her father died from a seizure". Matthew then got up off his knees and said he need some time to think about Janet and him because he wasn't prepared for such a dramatic and scary secret. Matthew wants to know how can he live with Janet knowing that she killed her father and got away with it and should he get Janet some psychological counseling? Matthew said he is having second thoughts about their relationship and find it hard for him to fall asleep around Janet  and now he need your help ?

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