Monday, March 31, 2014

From Boy To Man

From Boy To Man

There are some love stories that are beyond remarkable.  You know the kind of stories that give you the chills, and make you reflect on your own personal love life. Well I was allotted to experience one of the greatest love stories ever told. Allow me Marcus Valentine to share with you a piece of my love. The sun was shining bright that Sunday morning in North Las Vegas, NV.  The year was   1988 to be exact.  I was a young 14 to year teenager boy who decided to step out on faith and approached a girl that attended my high school. I admired her for over a year but I was too shy to say anything to her.  Like any other teenage kid, I was afraid of being rejected. Well, all of that change on that day. On that day, the birds were singing a beautiful melodic melody of love. Even the ruby red roses that I held in my hand smelled like new love.  So, there I stood at the door step of the girl that I wanted to love one day and I wanted her to somehow or some way love me back too. My teenage dreams were to ask Lovely Mona out on a date to see the movie Boomerang. My heart started to beat fast, for I was nervous as all get out. I then started to sweat profusely, to the point that one would have thought it was raining outside because my brand new cross colors yellow shirt and red jeans were drench. But I had to block out all the fear from within, but in reality it was the fear of rejection that had consumed me.

My grandmother told me earlier that day to be a man and tell this girl my deepest feelings. The worse she could say is she doesn’t feel the same way about me or she shared the same feelings too. So, I slowly knocked on the old hard wooden door real soft. Nobody answered; therefore, that was my excuse to walk away, but I turned back around, and proceeded to knock on the door harder. An older lady then shouted from inside the house, "Who is it?!” And stop knocking on my damn door!" My first instincts were to turn around and run like hell, but I stood my ground like a boy maturing into a brave young man. The door then slowly open and my heart started beating even faster,  as if I was about to have a heart attack. Once the door finally opened, my dream girl mom answered the door wearing a pink robe, a blue shower cap on her head, and a white unlit cigarette dangling from her mouth. Her mother said to me, "Who are you?!" I stood there frozen for a second or two, and said, "Marcus." She replied, "I know who you is. You Liz boy." I replied, "Yes Ma’am.”  With a tilt of her head she lit her cigarette, then blew the smoke directly in my face and looked me up and down and sarcastically smiled.  I wanted to chock but I refuse to choke because chocking was a sign of weakness, and I wanted to be a man. I initially thought her mother must have been on crack, being that she gave me a look similar to the crack heads in my neighborhood, and my grandmother didn’t prepare me for this. My grandmother left out how to approach her parents.  Well none the less, her mother looked at the roses in my hand and said “Who those roses for, boy?" I nervously replied, “They’re for Mona.”  Her mother smiled and yelled, “Mona! Some nappy head little boy is here to see you! Come to the door and get off my phone! You aint paying no bills in here!” Then she slammed the door in my face real hard and walked away. A minute later the doors slowly open, and there she stood as beautiful as today is tomorrow, the woman of my 9th grade dreams. Lovely Mona was the prettiest caramel yellow girl with the sexiest soft slanted eyes from Vegas to London, to Japan, and like Roger & Zapp song said, “I wanted to be your man.”  I wanted to be her man and her future.  We locked eyes for a Bobby Brown second, as if we both had been waiting for this moment all of our lives. I immediately said, “The roses are for you.”  Lovely Mona eyes look l as if I held a diamond ring in my hand, and she gracefully removed the roses from my hand, as if she was  my Queen to be  and then she place the roses to her nose and inhaled the most beautiful inhale that I ever seen and said, “Thank you.”  I was stuck in a moment of awe, after she said thank you to me because her thank you was up there with the Lakers Championship!  Her thank you, was up there with the UNLV Running Rebels Championship too! Her thank you was the thank you of all thank you!  I mean Lovely Mona said thank you to me, and she’s the most beautiful girl in the world!  Now all I had to do is calm the blank down and ask her if she would go out with me on a date to the movies; therefore, I took two deep breaths to gather myself and said, “Hey, eHeyI was wondering if you would like to go out with me on date to see the movie Boomerang?” Lovely Mona smiled immediately turned into an instant heartbreak frown, as if I said the worst thing a young man could ever say to the most beautiful girl in the world.   At that very moment, I wanted to rewind the hands of time and ask her on a date in another way but I could rewind the hands of time, and there was nothing I could do about it.  My 9th grade dream looked at the flowers as if she wanted to cry and then she slowly raised her head to look into my eyes and said, “Marcus I’m pregnant with my first child.” My feeling was crushed to the point that I wanted to cry right in front of her but I held all my hurt inside like man.  Now I was crying inside. Lord knows I was crying inside but she wasn’t going to see that part of me. Lovely Mona knew that she hurt my feelings, so she softly asked me, “Are you OK?”  To be honest with you, I wasn’t OK. I was hurt beyond hurt and I wanted her to say that she was joking or lying, but unfortunately that wasn’t the case.  With my head down I told her that I’ll be OK. There was a guilty silence that occupied the silent space that existed between her and I.  I then told Lovely Mona, “My name is Marcus by the way.  Hey, I guess we can be friends, right?”  A tear fell from her eye and she agreed to be my friend. Lovely Mona wanted to give me back my roses but I refuse to take them back because I bought them for her. I bought it for that moment via good or bad. I bought them for the most beautiful girl in the world, even if she wasn’t in my world.  Then I turned around with my head held down, and sadly walked away

I was upset with myself because if I would have approached her a long time ago she would be carrying my baby but how was that possible because I wasn’t even having sex at that time.  Yes, I was a 100% virgin.  I told my grandmother of what happen and my grandma said, “Did you cry?” I told my grandmother that I didn’t cry and I held all my pain inside like a man. My grandmother said men cry too but they cry inside. Well, that was the most humiliating moment of my teenage life.  I said to myself later on that night, “I guess all dreams aren’t meant to come true.”  That day I played New Edition song Boys to men on my radio, as I cried myself to sleep.

A few years later I saw Lovely Mona pushing a stroller down the grocery isle, and in a stroller was her beautiful baby boy.  We both smiled at each other as if this was the most opportunist time for us to be together or to get to know one another.  I asked Lovely Mona what was her baby name?  And she smiled and said, “Take a guess?”  I pulled a name out of the air and said, “Johnny.” She said, “No silly. I named him after a good friend.”  I shrug my shoulders like I didn’t know what to say because I didn’t know any of her friends. Then she said, “Marcus.  I named him Marcus.”  A big bright giant smile came across my face, and I asked her, “You name the baby after me?” She replied, “No moron, I named him after Willie down the street. Yes, I named him after you. Mr. Crazy!”

 Now fast forward 15 years later and my 9th grade college graduate dream girl from high school  is walking down the wedding isle carrying my child in her stomach.  My fraternity brothers are screaming roof at the top their lungs, as my 9th grade dream girl says, “I do.”  I got to go now because my beautiful wife and my new born baby girl, along with my older son keep calling my name. Now keep in mind,   I'm a published well know writer, a father, but more importantly my dream girl husband. That life changing experience took me   from being a boy to a man.  Don’t you just love a happy ending?


Marcus Webb

Sunday, March 30, 2014


2pac is gone,
Brenda is having another baby,
Biggie catches bullets,
Puffy cashes checks,
The claiming that he’s violent,
The boy stood for something,
I was just trying to feed my daughter,
The man lived for something,
Once friends,
Now enemies,
White Industry gets rich off of,
Negro regional rivalry,
We are dummies,
Claiming a region,
But we own no property,
We are dummies,
Spitting vengeances of self-hate seeds,
ARE planted into the fertile minds of our babies,
From the seed grows,
Children who can careless,
From the seeds grows
They  can give a damn about their community,
They rather kill each other all day,
They rather smoke weed all day,
Drink all day,
While celebrating and praising  generational poverty,
Father/Baller makes a  phone call from jail,
Please put some money on my books,
Can you feel me,
Baby mother responds,
Who the hell is this,
Better yet,
Who have we become,
Malcolm stood for something,
King stood for something,
Your nobody until somebody kill you,
Both of their mothers
Shed so many tears,



If I was to dream a dream of a beautiful place, I would close my eyes then baptize my mind and see a reflection of your face illuminating off the Nile River, and you'll be holding a rose and that rose would be nothing more than a reflection of our child, and lets call him Moses, to tell you the truth no one knows this but you was created for me, like moon was meant for the sea, like the winter breeze was created for the trees. Baby girl your oxygen to me, like body begs for my heart to beat, I want to hold you just like my eyes want to sleep, I want to kiss you like a slave that want to be free, like Stevie Wonder I don't who you are but I can see you, I can feel you, I can taste you, but more importantly I want to love you. I want to hold you, I want to kiss you, I want to be free. But until then I'll continue to dream.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

The Reason I'm Not To Fond Of Church! (Comedy)

Have you ever been in prayer at a small chrch and it appeared that the mother of the church who was praying for everybody was actually talking about everybody? Well I once felt this way, and I got a real good reason to feel this way to. The Mother of my church name was Mother Daniel and she loves to gossip in  many  different  slick ways. Now she didn't talk about folks behind their backs, she talk about them while she praying at church. This is how Mother Daniel would pray, “O Lord, we come in your name! Yes we is! We come in your name because aint other name is better! O Lord!  I want you to pray for little Marcus because we know he’s short with a big O head and I want you to pray that his body catches up with his head! You know the kids at school be talking about him calling him Water! They call him Water! They CALL HIM WATER!!!! Because he got a water head!  Please take the water out his head Lord!  We want you to grab one of them holy pins and pop his head so his head can go down! Yeah! Dear Lord, we also want you to pray for Cock Eye Fred! We want you to make Cock Fred see straight because we don’t know who he talking too and I know lord you don’t who he praying to because he’s cock eyed! Yeah!  Dear Lord, please pray for Bonny and her mustache. Pray that Bonny shave her mustache because the kids be crying when she’s trying to kiss them and they be waking up  out of their sleep crying that Bonny coming to get me to give me a kiss, so we pray that Bonny leave those kids alone until her mustache is gone!! Say mustache gone! Mustache gone!!! Bonny leave those kids alone until your mustache gone! Say gone!!! Gone!  Lord pray that Bonny leave those kids alone until your mustache is gone! Yes!  Yes Lord1 We want you to pray for Pastor Jenkins because we know he be cheating! Yes he is! He told me that he was late night cleaning the church when we know be cleaning the skirt!  Say cleaning the skirts! Pastor Jenkins don’t be cleaning the church he be cleaning the skirts! Lord please tell pastor Jenkins to leave the skirts alone and get his old self home!  Say, go home! Leave the skirts alone and take your old ass oops butt home!  Before Mother Daniel finish praying everybody she was talking about eyes was already open and mad and was looking at Mother Daniels even Cock Eye Fred but it looked like he was looking at everybody. To make matters worse the other elders in the church were laughing while Mother Daniels was praying. Well that’s my reason why I’m mot to fond of going to church today.

The Secret That Nobody Knows! (R)

Matthew a 30 year old writer who has been dating Janet a 28 year waitress/actress. Well the two has just had their first child Melvin and Matthew decided to propose to Janet one day when he came home on his lunch break. Mathew stated while he was on his knees proposing to Janet that Janet said that she had something very important to tell him that may change his mind but she have to tell him. Well Matthew said Janet than covered her mouth with both hands as tears ran down her eyes and she cried out four chilling words, "I killed my father!." Matthew said his heart drop to the bottom of his stomach after hearing the woman he love with all his heart and soul said she killed her own father. Mathew than gathered himself together and asked her," You're joking, right?" Janet yelled, ," Hell nah! No I'm not joking! I killed that bastards and if he was alive right now I'll kill him again."Matthew stated Janet facial expression change to angry adolescent face that he never seen from her before. Mathew than told Janet that her father died from choking from a seizure and Janet said, "Hell nah, he died from choking of rat poison." Janet than said her father really wasn't her father and he kidnap her and her sister from their mother when she was 3 and her sister was 4 and one day her sister Cheryl was crying for her mother and her father drunkenly yelled for her to shut the fuck and then he then came in their room and snatch her sister out of the bed and her sister screamed and yelled for Janet to save her but Janet was afraid. Her father came back an hour later and said her sister Cheryl drowned to death by accident. Janet said she cried for months but her soul cried for year and she knew her father killed her sister. For years she lived with the memory of her sister drowning and her father hands holding her sister in the tub of water as her sister Cheryl kicked and screamed for Janet to save her. Than one day when she turned 17 Janet planned it all out and her father came home drunk and he yelled at Janet to bring him some ice creamed and she patiently walked the ice cream to her father and as he ate the ice cream Janet stood in front of him, and she stared at him as she watched him eat, she stared at him as he choked, as he gasp for air and he reached out for Janet to save him and Janet said she stepped back and held up a picture of her sister Cheryl to her father. Her father then looked at Janet with a look of karma and payback and died slowly while tears fell from his eyes and Janet gave him a evil smile while holding her sister picture as her father died. The sheriff came and she told the sheriff the story and the sheriff cried and he decided to ruled her father death as an accidental death and reported that her father died from a seizure". Matthew then got up off his knees and said he need some time to think about Janet and him because he wasn't prepared for such a dramatic and scary secret. Matthew wants to know how can he live with Janet knowing that she killed her father and got away with it and should he get Janet some psychological counseling? Matthew said he is having second thoughts about their relationship and find it hard for him to fall asleep around Janet  and now he need your help ?

Robbing The Wrong Bank

I once knew a family who faithfully attended one of the most beautiful mega churches that I have ever seen  in my life.  This family in particular, attended this church were too poor and too uneducated to ascend to any influential position within the church, yet for generation they remained loyal to that church with their prayers and tithes. For some strange reason the men within this family would always wind up in jail for robbing a hole in a wall bank. Therefore, one day I decided to attend one of the young man trial and I sat directly behind this young man, as the judge read him his sentence and I gently tapped him on his shoulder and I whispered in his ear," You're robbing the wrong bank." The young man looked at me twice, as if I was the devil himself, and  he asked me, " What is the name of the bank that I should be robbing?" I replied , "The name of the bank that you should be robbing has been robbing your family for generations and that bank  name is called church." The young man then gave me a puzzled look and before the bailiff escorted him away to jail, he looked at me and yelled, "Church!"

She Want"s A Project Man! Yes a man She can repair!

It’s unfortunate but a lot of single women of today want a project man, not all single women want a man who’s a project man. I know what you’re saying, what is a project man? Well let me explain, the type of women I’m talking about wants a man that they can repair and is typically unemployed, a bad boy, and who sees jail as a second home. The project man doesn't have to pay rent or bills nor does he have to aspire to do anything but blow out her back and drop his woman off at her job while he drives around in her car. Project women refuse to have a man who has his stuff together because that kind of man is not challenging enough for them. For example, I once dated this woman who was super hood and I knew that I couldn't date this female being the person that I am, so I decided to change it up a little bit. I told the girl that I couldn't read and once I said that she fell in love with me. One day while driving l pretend like I was going to run through a stop sign and she’ll scream, “Baby that’s a stop sign, you got to stop!” Then when we went out to eat she would order my food and smile at me and say, “My baby can’t read but I’m going to read for you. But once she found out that I could read she snapped on me big time and called me all kind of dumb ass illiterate bastards! Two months later I saw her kicking it with a guy I knew who was another project man but a real project because he was the real deal. I’m probably wrong but these kinds of women exist within all ages and races. Look at Atlanta house wives, the guy Apollo doesn't have a job or do anything and his wife is in love with this guy, and he's a bum!s Ijs!