Saturday, April 5, 2014

Lashing Out

Cynthia is a 15 year old daughter who is very sheltered, but she has dreams of playing high school basketball. Her father is a 38 year old mega church pastor and her mother is a stay at a home mom and a mother of the church. One Sunday day evening while the family was driving home from church, Cynthia decided to ask her father if she can try out for her high school basketball team.  Her mother immediately said yes as long as her grades stay at a 3 point, but her father overruled his wife decision and said that no daughter of his was going to play basketball. Cynthia then cried for an explanation from her father of why she can’t play basketball? Her father replied, “Have you ever looked at those basketball girls? They look like, and carry themselves like men. No daughter of mines is going to play basketball.”  Her mother tried to talk to her father but her father told his wife that the subject was not open for discussion. Therefore, Cynthia started acting up at school by fighting; smoking drugs, suspension from school, and her grades point average went from a 3 point  to a 2 point.

 Well one day after school, the high school women's basketball coach saw Cynthia playing a pickup game, and he was amazed by her basketball talent. He  then pulled her to the side after the game to talk to her about playing for her high school varsity team and Cynthia told the coach she would love to play basketball for her school but her father who is a preacher doesn't want his daughter playing basketball with girls who dress up and act like men. Therefore, the coach approached her father on Sunday right after service, and he convinced him that his daughter would be all right and she wouldn't turn out gay. Fast forward some months later, his daughter basketball team wins the state championship, and Cynthia is named MVP. To top it off, Cynthia grades went from a 2 point to a 3.5 grade point average. Also, Cynthia was spending a lot of time with a guy friend who played on the boy basketball team and people viewed them as a couple . The family decided to go out to eat to celebrate the state championship win and Cynthia being named MVP. While eating, Cynthia stated she had some news that she wanted to tell her parents. Her father smiled because he was waiting for his daughter to say she had a boyfriend and he couldn't wait to meet him.  Unfortunately that wasn't the case, Cynthia then told her parents that she’s gay. Her father immediately slammed his fist against the table in anger and said, “I knew it! I knew if you played basketball that you would turn out gay! I told your mother this would happen! What about that high school basketball superstar boy you been hanging with?” Cynthia replied, “He’s gay too.” Her father then screamed, “Aww shit! All you motherfuckas  are gay!” This was first time Cynthia heard her father curse.  Her mother started to cry and tried her best to calm her husband down, but her best wasn't good enough.  Her father then stood up from the table and said, “You are an embarrassment to this family and an abomination in the eyes of God.  From this day forward you're no longer my daughter or a part of this family.  By the way, you tell my straight daughter she’s welcome to stay at my house but as longs as your gay you stay the hell out of my face and away from family.”  Cynthia started crying, “I'm sorry Daddy. I’m sorry!  I’m still your baby girl! I’m still your baby girl!  I love you! I love y'all! Don't leave me please don't leave me!” Everybody in the restaurant started to look at them and the couple left their daughter crying in the restaurant and drove home.

A couple of minutes later Cynthia called her grandmother crying that her parents disowned her because she said she told them she gay. Her grandmother then picked her up from the restaurant and told her that she could live with her but she couldn't dress like a boy, no rainbow stuff hanging in her house or have any gay girls in her house either. Cynthia agreed to follow her grandmother rules, and every Sunday when she attended her father church she’ll try to speak to her parents but they intentionally ignored her. A couple of months went by that Cynthia didn't speak to her parents or step in their house, and their harsh treatment mentally started to drain her to the point that one day she decided that she had enough. So, she went over to her parents’ house after school and banged on their door, and screamed, “I want to come back home! I want to come back home! Let me in!” Yet, her knocks and screams were ignored.  Cynthia cried as she walked to her grandma house, and once she stop crying she decided to walk into her grandmother bathroom and she took 30 of her high blood pressure pills. Once her grandmother made it home from work, she saw Cynthia past out on the living room floor with her high blood pressure pills lying next to her.  Her grandmother then called 911 and Cynthia was rushed to the hospital. Once her parents arrived at the hospital the doctors told them that Cynthia was in critical condition and they wasn't for sure that she was going to make it. The family then held hands and they prayed for Cynthia to make it, and she made it.  Now the father is stuck with the decision to choose his daughter or his religion? People help her father out? Lashing out!

Friday, April 4, 2014


I was sitting in the library on a Saturday summer morning editing my book and then out of nowhere time froze and the most angelic angle with invisible wings with a heaven sent walk in wearing a yellow sun-fire captivating dress with a summer flower Josephine Baker seeded hat. I said to myself that I have seen her somewhere before but I couldn't figure it out where. But I knew that my soul had held her before, I knew that my heart had loved her before, and I knew that my lips had kissed her before. For she was more than a woman of my dreams, she was the air that I breath that occupied the timeless space in my life. Therefore, I humbly approach her like a cat walking quietly but at a fast pace. Once I got behind her I gently tapped her on her shoulder and I asked her have we ever met before and she quietly smiled and softly replied in heaven. She said we met me in heaven and we were in love. Wow!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Love Brutality

Octavia is a 30 year old nurse and a single mother of two and who has been dating Greg a 37 year old police officer captain and father of one.  The couple has been dating for a couple of years and everything was perfect and fine. Greg use to show up to Octavia job to take her to lunch and sometime he’ll bring her lunch. Greg would send her roses  once or twice a month.  The couple was so in love that Octavia decided to move in with Greg. Well that was  up until a couple of months ago when Greg got demoted due to state budget cuts and he received a summons from his child mother to increase his child support. To make matters worse, Greg decided to  take Octavia out to a fine dining restaurant to clear his mind of all the financial stress but once they returned to the parking lot the repo man was towing his car.   While the car was being towed away Octavia started to laugh and Greg told her to stop laughing because he was humiliated but Octavia refused to and Greg walked up to Octavia and slapped her.  After he slapped her he explained to her that aint nothing funny about his car being towed, and aint nothing funny about being demoted, and aint nothing funny about an increase of his child support.  Octavia took off running to call the police on Greg and Greg yelled at her as she ran, “Where you going to go?! I’m the police! I’m the law!” Once the police arrived on the scene they asked Octavia what she did to make Officer Greg slap her.  Octavia then  cried and said,” Does it matter?” Tthe police officers said it does matter. Therefore, they got in their car and drove off.  The couple went home in sperate cars.  Octavia caught a cab and Greg decided to walk home and to stop by the liquir store to buy some liquor.  Once Greg drunkenly walked in the house and he walked up to Octavia who was their room packing her bags and he said, “Where in the hell do you think you’re going?!  Woman do you hear me talking to you?! Silly bitch! Do you hear me talking to you?!” Octavia refuse to respond and continue to pack.  Greg then said,”ok.” He walked out of their room and walked into another room to retrieve something. Octavia thought he was going to get some kind of weapon so she ran and locked herself in their bathroom. Once Greg returns he knocked on the bathroom door and yelled to Octavia to open the door and she refuse too. Then he slipped a small gray box under the door and told her to pick up the box. Octavia nervously picked up the box and open it and she saw a half karat diamond ring and started to cry and said she was so sorry and then she decided to open the door. Once she opened the door Greg grabbed her by the neck and had a gun pointed directly at her face and said, “If you ever in your life run from me woman I’ll kill you!”  At that very moment Octavia life was before her eyes and she thought about her children and she cried as and told Greg that she will never leave him and she apologize.

Fast forward a couple of weeks later Octavia attempt to take out a restraining order against Greg but one of the office custodians called Greg about and Greg march in the court office and all the workers walked away and he slapped the shit out of Octavia and told her to get the hell out of their and go home.  Blood fell from Octavia mouth onto the restraining order paper and she  shocked that all the clerks left their cubical and someone called to tell Greg that she was filling a restraining order. Greg grabbed Octavia by the neck and said, “I told you I am the law and there’s nowhere you can go where I don’t have friend and dammit woman, I know every officer, every sheriff, and every judge is this city and they all owe me a favor and they all are my friends.  You see we all wear the blue shield.  Now clean up your face and take your sorry broke ass home.” Octavia took off running out the court office while crying and other officers and bystanders looked at her with confusion. Now Octavia wants to know what can she do or who can she turn to because she is experiencing love/police brutality?

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Hot Dog Buns, Baseball, And Jesus!

Now, I don't know if it’s just me but have you ever picked up a hot dog bun and was puzzles  on which side of the bun is the side you should open? I know that this isn't rocket science, but that always confused me. My brother told me to open the side with the cross because the last thing the Romans offered Jesus before he went on the cross was a hot dog.  I can see it now, a hot dog vendor asking Jesus, " Hey Jesus, you want a hot dog before you go up on the cross?" Jesus replied, " Yeah. Hey witch side of the bun is you suppose to open?" The hot dog vendor says, " Good question. "  Jesus replied, " Well, I'm going to put a cross on this side of the bun, so you know which side to open, and you'll remember me every time you pick up a hot dog bun. O yeah, your Roman hot dog sucks! I ate better hot dogs in Egypt." I’m sorry my loyal church goers but I have yet to see the cross on a hot dog bun, and if I did see one I'm quite sure, that hot dog bun will wind up on 60 minutes, right along the side with the virgin Mary potato chip.

I can see Jesus at a Roman baseball game asking for five hails Mary's full of grace hot dogs with ketch up, mustard and relish on the side from an immigrant vendor from  this crazy place called Chicago. Now,  Jesus is at a baseball game and he he ask John The Baptist to hold his hot dog while he talk to his father in Heaven because Derek Jeter of the Bethlehem Yankees is coming up to bat.   Then John The Baptist would take Jesus hot dog and baptise it. Once he gives Jesus his hot dog back Jesus would start yelling at him very calmly the following words, “ Why do you have to baptize everything you get?! I'm tired of you! Nah, I'm tired of you!  Listen, just because your name is John The Baptist doesn't mean you have to go around baptizing everything! You baptise, my sandals, my socks, and now my hot dog! I tell you one thing John, if I wasn’t your savor it would be on for real. You got one more times, one more time to Baptist my hot dog  John and it's on! ” 

Question, why is John The Baptist name is John The Baptist? Like who gave him the permission to use the as his middle name?  Have anyone ever figured out this guy middle name by the way? I guess I’ll change my name to Marcus The Webb.Well, back to the subject at hand. I need to know which side of the hot dog bun is the opening side? 


Marcus The Webb